First steps

Created on 8 August, 2024Guides • 1 minutes read

After registration and account activation, check a few important settings. This is a one-time step, but it will make your work easier in the future.

Go to the "Notification Handlers" tab. By default, we add the "Email" type notification channel on your behalf with the email address you created the account with. You can change this at any time. Here you can also add other notification channels if your package allows it.

We also recommend checking out the "Projects" tab. There you can create projects to categorize your resources more easily in the future.

You can also find important configuration in the "Accounts" settings. Pay attention to the "Anti-phishing code" - after filling in any value in this field, we will attach your code to each email we send, so that there is no doubt that it is an email from VirtualEyes. Do not reveal this code to anyone!

In the same place, you can also configure two-factor authentication. You must have a smartphone application, e.g. Google Authenticator. This is a highly recommended configuration. In the event that someone learns your password, they will not be able to log in without providing a one-time code, which is valid for about 30 seconds. Two-factor authentication is a very important weapon in the fight against password leaks!

Everything is ready! Now you can go further and configure your first monitoring.